Black Pastors to Speak Out on Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling


Memphis, TN – A group of leading black clergy will hold a press conference in Memphis on Wednesday to coincide with the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage involving the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8. Led by Rev. William Owens, the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) has led the charge opposing the cultural shift on same-sex marriage. They have launched a marriage petition at
“Marriage is a sacred institution that is recognized in every culture around the globe, and children need a mother and a father united in marriage for healthy development,” said Rev. William Owens, President of CAAP.  “The African-American community is already plagued with problems related to children growing up in single parent households. We don’t need further erosion of our communities and society.

“It is time for African-Americans and the Christian community to rise up and protect marriage, and we urge the Supreme Court to avoid a sweeping decision that would force African-Americans to pay a disproportionate price as collateral damage of the aggressive gay agenda.”

WHAT: Coalition of African-American Pastors press conference surrounding Supreme Court decision on marriage

WHEN: Wednesday, June 26, 2013; 1:00 pm CT

WHERE: 1750 Madison Avenue, Suite 260
Memphis, TN

WHO: Rev. William Owens, Sr., Founder and President, Coalition of African American Pastors
Bishop David Allen Hall, D.M., Jurisdictional Prelate, First Ecclesiastical Headquarters Jurisdiction of Tennessee and Senior Pastor, Temple Church of God in Christ
Others TBD

The Coalition of African-American Pastors is a grass-roots movement of African-American Christians who believe in traditional family values such as supporting the role of religion in American public life, protecting the lives of the unborn and defending the sacred institution of marriage.

For further information, please contact Jameson Cunningham with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920.