I AM Woman Petition

WomenMintry2There is a false narrative sweeping this country, destroying the privacy and safety of women and girls in the name of “equality.” The CAAP Women’s Ministry is ready to step in and defend them. Moreover, we look to protect what it means to be a woman or a girl and champion those beautiful aspects of womanhood that others cannot understand. Those who wish to push their way into women’s bathrooms are trying to normalize something that is not normal and put the wants of a tiny minority of the population ahead of the needs of all women and girls.

This is a petition for women of any race or faith. You don’t have to agree with the entirety of CAAP’s mission to believe that we should protect the dignity and privacy of women and girls and ensure that they (and only they) should be permitted in women’s locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms.

If you believe, as we do, that women’s privacy and security should take precedence over the LGBT agenda, please add your name to the I AM Woman petition below.

I AM Woman


I AM Woman!: A Petition

We, the undersigned, recognize that the dignity, safety, and privacy of women and girls must be respected and should not be compromised for the sake of a radical minority agenda. We encourage all states and municipalities to pass laws protecting women and girls and to stand strong against political bullying that falsely claims that allowing grown men into women’s bathrooms is an issue of equality.