Tuesday, July 30, 2012


CONTACT: Jameson Cunningham Tuesday, July 30, 2012
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs703-739-5920/800-536-5920
[email protected]

*Media Advisory* Black Pastors to Launch Nationwide Campaign Opposing President’s Support of Gay MarriageCoalition of African-American Pastors to Host Tuesday Press Conference in Washington

Memphis, TN – A group of leading black clergy will hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday to launch a nationwide campaign to inform citizens that by embracing same-sex marriage, President Obama threatens the stability of the family, especially the black family. Led by the Rev William Owens, the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP)has led the charge opposing the President’s position on same-sex marriage, but the President has ignored their calls for a meeting. CAAP has launched a marriage petition. “President Obama has not given us the courtesy of a reply to discuss his support of same-sex marriage, and is taking the black vote for granted,” said Rev. William Owens, President of CAAP. “On Tuesday, we will be launching a nationwide campaign rallying black pastors and African-Americans to voice their opposition to the President’s position on same-sex marriage, and withdraw their support of him. We will see that the black community is informed that the President is taking them for granted while pandering to the gay community.”

WHAT: Press conference of black pastors launching nationwide campaign opposing same-sex marriage

WHEN: Tuesday, July 30, 2012 11:00 am ET

WHERE: National Press Club 529 14th St. NW Washington, DC

WHO: Rev. William Owens, President and Founder, CAAP

The Coalition of African-American Pastors is a grass-roots movement of African-American Christians who believe in traditional family values such as supporting the role of religion in American public life, protecting the lives of the unborn and defending the sacred institution of marriage. For further information, please contact Jameson Cunningham with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920.