It’s High Time that we wake up out of sleep…


It’s High Time that we wake up out of sleep…

Things are changing in our nation; a ‘transformation’ is taking place, a change that was declared by President Obama when he took office in ‘2009.   Today we are constantly going through ‘changes’ in this nation; changes that the majority of Americans did not sign up for.

Those of us, who believe in biblical values, and the family, are especially opposed to these ‘changes’ which are increasingly insubordinate to God, faith, and country.  The non-stop assaults against biblical values and the family by this administration leave us no choice but to wake up.  And, we must ‘wake-up’ to the reality of what is happening in our government.  The scriptures clearly tell us that ‘perilous times shall come’, and if you are seeing what is happening around you, and still don’t believe we’re in perilous times, then I don’t know what it will take to wake you up?

In Romans 13:11-12, Paul declares…

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand.  Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.”

Friends, that Armor of Light in the ‘darkness’ is the Word of God, and Salvation through faith in Christ; for He only, is our peace and our hope for this hour.

Political News:

Now on the political scene, it is no shock that there have been virtually no improvements politically or economically in America for these past 10 years.  We have been dealing with a twofold problem in America; which stem from both political and spiritual roots.  So to ignore one or the other will not turn this nation around for certain.

In America, there has been a continual economic spiraling downward, high unemployment, and joblessness.  The national debt has reached irreconcilable proportions, and our debt is only continuing to move upward, with no end in sight.  The worse thing we are confronted with is the obvious ‘spiritual’ decline in our nation, making the need for a spiritual awakening vital.

Historically a national revival only takes place during and after a major crisis, and no one is looking forward to that, but such is the nature of man; we just won’t get serious about God until something big or bad happens.  Every one hopes things will eventually get better; but there is a vast difference between being ‘hopeful’ and being delusional.  For the first in my life I’m really worried about the future of this nation, so we truly need to take to heart the above scripture…“our salvation is nearer than we believed.” 

The scripture above admonishes us to ‘wake up’ to the times and seasons of God; and these continual slaps in the face by this administration are indeed waking people up.  We can no longer delude ourselves in regard to the ‘changes’ that are taking place within our government.

The changes we are witnessing in our nation are ‘transforming’ our Republic into ‘something else,’ something sinister, something overpowering.  The bible clearly warns us that in the ‘latter days’ a One World Government System will emerge. The books of Daniel (chap. 7-8) and Revelation (chap. 13) warn of a Final World government called the Fourth ‘Beast’ or final World Empire.

Lately I’ve felt like our nation is transforming into some kind of ‘powerful beast’; a beast that is out of control and no longer obeys the statues and laws of the land, or even God Himself.  This beast no longer cares about the people it’s supposed to serve and represent, and it is ‘transforming’ into something that cannot be controlled or stopped by man alone!  America has now become eerily like the ‘beast’ system described in these passages of scripture.

For centuries Bible scholars, and students of Bible prophecy did not understand the ‘mysterious’ executioners in the book of Revelation.  And, as westerners we could not understand, or even imagine how a prophecy that we understood to be in the ‘future’ could appear to be from the past.  It was as if two time periods were colliding together.  What was considered to be a barbaric practice was clearly portrayed as a future event in the book of Revelation!  It was very confusing!

However, today with the rise of Islam, and the revelation that these types of practices are still practiced today by many in the Muslim world, it has become crystal clear that the book of Revelation is no longer a book of the ‘future’ but a book of the present.

It is time that all of us in the Body of Messiah ‘sound the alarm’ when we see danger approaching. If you are paying attention to the world around you today, then you must recognize that something is coming, or may have already arrived.  In the book of Revelation, chapter 20:4 describes a peculiar and unfamiliar practice, and a style of governing that is becoming more and more familiar everyday… let’s take a closer look. Watch for a future post…

I want to thank Bill and Deborah Owens for allowing me to post this most timely and relevant information on their blog.  Please continue to follow as we search out the prophetic scriptures as they unfold in our world today.


Eliora Ysrael