Dr. Deborah Owens’ Speech at Arkansas March for Marriage


We the People

Good Afternoon and God bless each of you for coming out today to stand for God’s design for marriage: 1 man 1 woman, period!

Thank you Christina…

Thanks to John and Judy Ellis for their gracious hospitality…

Blacks and whites can get along – When you love God you don’t see race.

Yes, we have problems with race in America, but let’s not put all white people or all black people in the same category. Don’t generalize. Stay away from stereotypes…I see some UNITY here today!

So Why Are We Here?

The Supreme Court is going to begin oral arguments next week, and sometime in June NINE justices will make a decision that will impact our society for generations to come. Yes, NINE judges will decide if marriage should remain between one man and one woman or if marriage has a broader application and includes two men or two women.

I am here because I am tired of some politicians and activist judges making decisions for WE THE PEOPLE that goes against what WE THE PEOPLE already decided when we voted to protect marriage in 31 states around the nation. Yes, WE THE PEOPLE voted in 31 states by amending our states’ constitution to define marriage God’s way. And, federal judges VOIDED our votes to satisfy the will of a few same gender couples who want to marry.

Homosexuals are about three percent of the population. So, why did we allow these activist judges to get away with throwing out our votes and allowing the desires of a few gay people to trump the will of “We The People”?

Why? Because some Christians have been sleeping … we have been taking care of our own business and NOW the GIANT is awake and we find ourselves at this juncture:

  • WE THE PEOPLE have no say.
  • WE THE PEOPLE are losing our Christian rights.
  • WE THE PEOPLE are being silenced.
  • WE THE PEOPLE are being intimidated.
  • WE THE PEOPLE are being bullied.
  • WE THE PEOPLE are in danger of persecution for believing in God’s design for marriage.

So, we are here because we have finally realized that the clock is ticking and we are almost out of time to protect the sacred institution of marriage, which God – NOT GOVERNMENT – established thousands of years ago!

Those who fight for what they call marriage equality have gained ground because they are backed by large corporations, they are backed by Hollywood, and the media does a good job pushing their agenda. Politicians on both sides have endorsed same-sex marriage because they want to be politically correct. Simply put, they want MONEY AND VOTES!!!

The LGBT movement is well orchestrated and I must admit they have a great strategy and they stay on message:

If you don’t believe in gay marriage you are a bigot, and a hater.

Our organization has been accused of being a hate group and we have been called everything but a child of God because we believe in God’s design for marriage. The LGBT community even goes so far as to equate their so-called struggle to the civil rights struggle of the ’50s and ’60s.

The civil rights struggle was for blacks to be seen as humans – blacks were considered 3/5 human. It was to be able to use the same restrooms, have the opportunity to attend good colleges, get decent paying jobs … it was for very basic human rights. The civil rights movement didn’t infringe on anyone else’s right. It didn’t seek to take anyone’s rights away. In fact, the civil rights movement opened the door for other groups, such as the disabled, which is commendable.

But same sex marriage advocates don’t only want the right to marry – they want to take away our rights in the process. Did you know that they want to redefine Christianity? They stand proudly for same-sex marriage, but dare anyone to disagree. If you believe in traditional marriage then they want to fine you, jail you, and taunt you.

They have hijacked the civil rights movement and turned it on its head.

WE THE PEOPLE didn’t vote for marriage equality but WE THE PEOPLE are suffering.

We must make our voices heard.

Many believe that the U.S. Supreme Court will make same sex marriage the law of the land and it will happen in just a few weeks. Well, if WE THE PEOPLE …

If we people of faith started our own Christians Rights Movement and made our voices heard, those NINE justices and politicians might hear us. We must get just as passionate and speak just as boldly as the other side does for what they want.

Yes, the LGBT community has more money and they have the bullhorn (the press hardly covers the marriage debate anymore, and if they do, it’s the marriage equality side they cover), but we have God on our side. We need to ask Him for forgiveness and ask him to heal our land. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, and all people of faith who believe in God’s design for marriage need to let our collective voices heard. It’s time for WE THE PEOPLE TO RISE.

Rise up and defend our cherished values.

RISE up WE THE PEOPLE and protect the future of our children and grandchildren.

Enough of this nonsense – I say WE THE PEOPLE already decided so let OUR votes count and keep the lawless politicians and activist judges out of marriage. Give it back to the states. Uphold the will of WE THE PEOPLE not the will of a few same gender couples who want to marry!

Don’t get me wrong. I am sure we all know gay people. This is not just about gay people. It’s not about hating gay people. In fact, many of us have gay people in our family and we love them. This is much deeper than just gay people or marriage equality. It’s about everything else that comes along with the LGBTQ movement. Soon they will remove signs from the bathrooms because we will become a society that does not recognize gender. There is so much more. Do your research. Time does not permit to discuss everything here today.

I want it to crystallize that if the US Supreme Court decides to allow same sex marriage in all 50 states, we will open ourselves up to much more than marriage equality. Be certain of that. There is a homosexual manifesto that was written in 1987 by Michael Swift that outlines their intentions. Much of it has become a reality! Look it up!

In my closing, I URGE you to go to our website www.caapusa.org and sign our petition asking Justices Ginsburg and Kagan to recuse themselves from hearing the marriage case next week. They have both performed same sex marriages. It’s unethical and they should not be allowed to render a biased decision! Also, be sure to join RISE. WE are going to need a grassroots movement – WE THE PEOPLE are going to have to get on the same-page and push back against these anti-Christian policies. We are rapidly becoming a godless, secular and perverted society. Christianity is becoming a hated minority group. God have mercy on us.


Thanks for having me here today. Thanks for standing strong.

God bless you and God bless America!