Our Purpose


Rev. Owens: Posted on Saturday, May 19, 2012 12:01 PM

We are a nonpartisan group of truthfully mostly Democrats who want to oppose gay marriage from the heart of the black church. This is a campaign to pushback on Pres. Obama and ask him and others to stand with us on marriage. Our goal is neither to hurt the President politically, nor to roll over in the face of his announcement but to speak and stand for moral truth, let all the princes and powers say and do what they will. The ministers who stand with us include: Bishop George D. McKinney, Bishop Felton Smith, Bishop Brandon Porter, Bishop Ed Stephens, Jr., Bishop David Allen Hall, DM, Bishop James Gaylord, Pastor Chuck Singleton, Rev. Leonard Dawson, Dr. Dwight Montgomery,
Elder Ivory Jackson, Elder Robert Morris, Superintendent Andre Clay, Pastor Darryl Doty, Bishop Charles Rodgers, Bishop Robert Jefferson, Bishop Janice Hollis,Pastor James Eric Owens, Pastor Robert Bowers, to name a few.

Let me know what else you need to know. Rev. Owens

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