President Obama, same-sex marriage, and the civil rights movement


The Democratic Party platform group have announced the platform they drafted will, like the did president recently,  endorse same-sex marriage and remove references to God. The positions will undoubtedly be highlighted at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte this week.

Will the rest of the Democratic party follow suit and formally incorporate a pro-gay marriage position into the core of the Democratic party principle by endorsing this platform language that strips out traditional marriage and God?

Our advice as the Coalition of African-American pastors, most of whom are Democrat, is don’t.

The mainstream culture welcomed President Obama’s recent confession that he personally supports same-sex marriage and has hailed it as another victory for civil rights. To many members of the African-American community, however, his announcement was disappointing and a hijacking of the civil rights movement.

Historically, the Black Church has always been the conscience of America. The civil rights movement showed America that discrimination on the basis of race was wrong, and those of us who marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. took to the streets opposing the immoral laws and cultural bias of the day.

In a letter to the President and Attorney General Eric Holder, we requested a meeting to discuss his ‘evolution’ on same-sex marriage.  We wrote: “We pray for the President…President Obama is the fulfillment of our dreams for our sons–and he has broken our hearts by using his power and position to endorse as a civil right something that is simply wrong.”