We’re proud to announce a new tool in the fight to defend faith, family, and freedom – the CAAP app.

Now, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest news, petitions, videos, and events from CAAP through your mobile device!

We’ve made sure that it’s even easier to stay on top of the issues that matter most. Now, you’ll be able to get notifications about the newest Wisdom for Today, read new articles, and stay involved – all through the new CAAP app.

The app is available on both the Apple store and the Google Play store. Just search for “CAAP” or click the buttons below to download and install it on your phone or mobile device.

While CAAP may be dedicated to the defense of Biblical values, we are prepared to use all the technology at our disposal to win this fight. Our new app is just one more tool in our mission to put this country on the right path.