CAAP Discusses Gender Identity, the President, and Theft of Civil Rights Legacy


Breitbart 5/13/2016

Black Pastors Slam Obama Admin’s Equivalence of Gender Identity Ideology with Black Civil Rights

The president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) says that the Obama administration’s assertion that single-sex bathrooms are discriminating against gender-confused individuals in much the same way that blacks experienced discrimination in the United States is a “gross insult” to all who fought for equality for African-Americans.

“There is simply no relation between the struggles that Black Americans have faced and the desire of a tiny minority group to violate the dignity and privacy of women and girls,” said Rev. Bill Owens in a statement sent to Breitbart News. “To suggest some sort of equivalence is a gross insult to all of those who marched with Dr. King and faced fire hoses and hatred in the name of equality.”

Owens reacted Friday to the Obama administration’s imposition of gender ideology on the United States. In the wake of a new North Carolina law that protects the privacy and safety of women and children in public rest rooms, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announceda lawsuit against North Carolina alleging the law violates the civil rights of gay and transgender individuals to use the bathrooms of their choice.

Owens describes HR 3185 as “an affront to the Black community and a theft of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.”

“Black Pastors will not allow the homosexual and transgender community to rob Black Americans of their battle for civil rights!” he asserts. “If the Rev. Martin Luther King were alive to see this today, he would be angered in the same way that Jesus was angered when he turned over the tables of the money changers.”

Owens referred to attempts by the Obama administration to make the LGBT political and social engineering agendas the equivalent of civil rights a “theft and outrageous extortion and usurpation of the Civil Rights Movement.”

“We call all black Americans to stand up and fight for the sanctity of Martin Luther King’s accomplishments for our race,” he said. “There is simply no relation between the struggles that Black Americans have faced and the desire of a tiny minority group to violate the dignity and privacy of women and girls.”

“Transgendered persons are not asking for equal rights—they are asking for special rights that violate the privacy of women and simple common sense,” Owens added. “CAAP calls on all those who oppose this unwarranted expansion of the Civil Rights Act to contact their representatives in Congress today and let them know how you feel about this bill.”

The CAAP Women’s Ministry has launched a petition for women of any race or faith to urge Congress to “protect the dignity and privacy of women and girls and ensure that they (and only they) should be permitted in women’s locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms.”


Allen B. West 5/14/16

AMEN! Black pastors have TWO WORD response to Obama’s trans bathroom order…

Perhaps as stunning as the Obama administration’s iron-fistedness on the issue of transgender bathrooms are the arguments it’s employing in an attempt to justify it. Many of us, of all colors, were taken aback — to say the least — when Attorney General Loretta Lynch compared the trans bathroom issue to Jim Crow laws — drawing a comparison between the struggles of transgender individuals and blacks.

Understandably, many blacks are just plain outraged at the Obama administration’s appropriation of civil rights to further its own ideological agenda — including our own Col. Allen West, who shared his thoughts here earlier today.

A group of black pastors is declaring the Obama administration’s equivalency of transgender and black struggles a “gross insult to all of those who marched with Dr. King and faced fire hoses and hatred in the name of equality.”

The group is calling on “all black Americans to stand up and fight for the sanctity of Martin Luther King’s accomplishments for our race.”


Atlanta Daily World 5/16/16

Black pastors blast President Obama’s transgender bill as ‘insult’ to black civil rights

A coalition of black pastors are incensed that President Obama would dare to mandate all public schools to make girls restrooms and locker rooms accessible to sexually confused boys.

Rev. Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP), said Obama’s comparison of sexually confused individuals with black civil rights was a “gross insult” to all who fought for equality for African-Americans.

“There is simply no relation between the struggles that Black Americans have faced and the desire of a tiny minority group to violate the dignity and privacy of women and girls,” Owens said in a statement sent to Breitbart News on Friday.

Owens described Obama’s legislation that would amend the Civil Rights Act to include protection for trannies and cross-dressers as “an affront to the Black community and a theft of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.”

Rev. Owens called on all black Americans to “stand up and fight for the sanctity of Martin Luther King’s accomplishments for our race.”