Get a signed copy of “A Dream Derailed”


Laura Ingraham and Mike Huckabee have talked about it on-air.

The Left doesn’t want you to read it and learn the secret behind their manipulation of race and civil rights in pursuit of political power.

Thousands of you have reached out to us to thank us for the eye-opening history and plan to reach the Promised Land.

I’m talking about the landmark book authored by Bill and me, A Dream Derailed: How the Left Hijacked Civil Rights to Create a Permanent Underclass.

We’ve had so many compliments, requests for reprints, and invitations to speak on the issues raised in our book. And now, we want to make it part of a special gift for our donors. For a limited time, anyone who donates $100 or more to CAAP will receive a signed copy of A Dream Derailed as our “thank you.” 

This is the time of year when we must prepare and plan for the challenges of 2022. We need your help to keep our work going and expand our education efforts. 

By donating to CAAP, you are part of the movement to correct the mistakes of the past and put America on the path to the Promised Land … just as we discuss in A Dream Derailed.

CAAP is fighting to preserve life, defend Biblical teaching, and stop the spread of critical race theory. But we cannot do it without your support!

Please send your donation of $100 or more today and get your signed copy of A Dream Derailed. Keep it for yourself or pass it on to another and help us spread this important message of faith and family.