Media Coverage of the March for Marriage


At the 2015 March for Marriage, Rev. William Owens spoke before the crowd at the March in Washington, DC, while Dr. Deborah Owens spoke at a regional march in Arkansas. This is a critical year for the marriage debate as the Supreme Court has taken up the issue of state laws defining marriage between one man and one woman. A sampling of the media coverage from this year’s March follows.

LGBT Activists Rush Onto Stage to Disrupt March for Marriage Rally


Owens, a licensed Church of God in Christ (COGIC) evangelist and missionary, told Breitbart News between 60-70 counter-protesters appeared at the event and at least three LGBT activists ran up onto the stage with her as she was speaking, attempting to disrupt her address by shouting out questions to her, trying to intimidate her.

“I asked the police to remove him,” Owens said, “but they didn’t and I continued speaking, ignoring the interruptions.”

“The group of mostly young people continued harassing our group, and were trying to talk over me and bully me,” she said. “I have never seen anything like it.”

Owens said after she got through her speech, she tried to engage the LGBT activists, and told them they were disrespectful. She said she pointed out that her group respected their right to protest as well and that the March for Marriage activists had no intention of interrupting the counter protest.

The Courier News reports that when the counter-protesters intruded upon the March for Marriage, arguments broke out. When appeals were made to police for assistance, the officers responded, “They are allowed to yell.”

In her address, Owens thanked all who came out for the March to “stand for God’s design for marriage: one man, one woman, period!”

Observing to the crowd that blacks and whites were joining together in support of traditional marriage, Owens said, “Yes, we have problems with race in America, but let’s not put all white people or all black people in the same category…I see some unity here today.”

“When you love God, you don’t see race,” she continued.

Owens said she was at the March “because I am tired of some politicians and activist judges making decision for We the People that goes against what We the People already decided when we voted to protect marriage in 31 states around the nation.”

“And federal judges voided our votes to satisfy the will of a few same-gender couples who want to marry,” she continued, adding that Christians have been “sleeping,” and are not wary as their Christian rights are being taken away from them.

“We the People are being silenced…intimidated…bullied,” Owens asserted, and “are in danger of persecution for believing in God’s design for marriage.”

Observing the upcoming Supreme Court decision on the question of marriage in the United States, Owens said Christians must “protect the sacred institution of marriage which God established – not government – thousands of years ago.”

Owens pointed out that the marriage equality movement is backed by large corporations, Hollywood, and many in the media.

“Politicians on both sides have endorsed same-sex marriage because they want to be politically correct,” she said. “Simply put, they want money and votes.”

Owens noted the clever strategy of the militant LGBT community.

“If you don’t believe in gay marriage you are a bigot and a hater,” she paraphrased the theme of gay activists, adding:

The LGBT community even goes so far as to equate their so-called struggle to the civil rights struggle of the 50s and 60s…The civil rights struggle was for blacks to be seen as humans…The civil rights movement didn’t infringe on anyone else’s right. It didn’t seek to take anyone’s rights away…

But same-sex marriage advocates don’t only want the right to marry – they want to take away our rights in the process…They stand proudly for same-sex marriage, but dare anyone to disagree. If you believe in traditional marriage then they want to fine you, jail you, and taunt you.

Owens said people of faith must rise up to form their own Christian Rights Movement and to defend their cherished values.

“Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, people of faith who believe in God’s design for marriage need to let their collective voices be heard,” she said. “It’s time for We the People to rise.”


March for Marriage meets opposition

Courier News

Owens said she expected to meet opposition, but she didn’t expect them to be allowed to be so close to the March for Marriage crowd.

“It was disrespectful,” she said. “We always have people fighting against us. It’s America. I have no problem with them being here, but never have they been allowed to be where we are. I was fine if they’d have stayed on the other side of the street.”

But they did not. As the crowds began to mingle, arguments broke out but were mostly quelled by surrounding citizens.

“It was a bunch of young people in the opposition,” Owens commented. “Which goes to show you how they indoctrinate our youth.”

Dual Same-Sex Marriage Marches in Russellville

Owens, a representative with the Coalition of African American Pastors, based out of Memphis, Tennessee, had to shout her stance on what she called, “traditional marriage” because the rambunctious crowd would not lower their voices as they chanted. She stressed that she was not against a person being homosexual, but she also did not support changing the law to satisfy a “small population” of people in the LGBT community.

“I’m not anti-loving, I’m not anti-any of that,” she continued. “I’m just for God’s definition of marriage, traditional marriage.”