CAAP In The News!


A round-up of recent and notable stories involving CAAP, our movement to defend faith and family, and Rev. and Dr. Owens…

Alabama Chief Justice Prohibits Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex  Couples


Moore and Rev. Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP), called upon U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to recuse themselves from the then anticipated decision by the high court on same-sex marriage. Both Ginsburg and Kagan had officiated at same-sex marriages prior to the ruling.

Owens and his coalition had been highly critical of attempts by both President Obama and then-Attorney General Eric Holder to portray the same-sex marriage movement as another civil rights campaign.


Pro-Life, Pro-Family Wins on Election Day in Governor’s Offices and Bathrooms


Rev. William Owens, president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), tells Breitbart News ordinances like Prop 1 are part of a “national agenda.”

“This ordinance would allow men who at any moment declare their “gender expression” as female to use women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms,” he explained. “It would also have made it a crime for business owners or employees – including non-church owned religious non-profit organizations – to interfere with it in order to protect women’s safety and privacy.”

“These ordinances are part of the same national agenda declaring God’s moral law, design of marriage and even male and female to be a lie,” Owens added. ‘The LGBT community is well-funded and planned to use Houston as the model to get similar bills passed around the nation. CAAP is working to educate all pastors, but especially black pastors about the negative effects of bills like this one.”

Owens said the ordinance was a threat not only to the safety of women and girls, but against freedom of religious expression and “God-given, constitutionally-guaranteed rights.”


Pastors Speak Out Against Abortion Giant

One News Now

The Congressional Black Caucus recently held a press conference demanding that Congress continue funneling tax dollars to the scandal-plagued abortion business, Planned Parenthood. Bill Owens, who heads theCoalition of African American Pastors, finds a huge problem with supporting Planned Parenthood.

“Everything is wrong with the picture that we would pay to kill innocent babies,” he tells OneNewsNow. “And the part that is so disgraceful is there are more black babies killed. How many great people have been killed because of their agenda to eliminate our babies?”

Owens has previously complained of an Obama administration forcing the homosexual agenda on America and also the fact that liberals are turning the population toward becoming welfare dependent, especially those in the black community. CAAP has formed a grassroots group called Rise, calling on people of all races to rise up and change America from the bottom up.

“Top down, they’re doing everything to destroy America and African Americans especially,” Owens says. “The African Americans are helping us be destroyed for money. And you know in history it has always been on one side good, the gospel, and the other side greed. One rules – and in this case greed is ruling.”

Owens calls on people to go to the organization’s website, sign up as a member of Rise, and then be prepared to rise and act.

Black Pastors Leader: Black Lives Matter Spews ‘Twisted View of Christianity’


Reflecting on a recent NBC News op-ed by Brooke Obie, senior digital editor for, Rev. Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African American Pastors(CAAP) tells Breitbart News that Black Lives Matter leaders are a “radical and uninformed group,” that will ultimately press those black youth who join the movement into a life of violence.

“The Black Lives Matter movement has served to inflame communities and put young people at risk,” Owens says. “They have done nothing positive to help black youth and, sadly, have set our young people up to fail.”

Describing the leadership of Black Lives Matter as “thuggish,” the faith leader explains that young black people now think it is acceptable “to disrupt meetings by grabbing mikes and taking over events to spew their false information.”


Owens, however, describes Black Lives Matter protests as “loud, angry, rude and intentionally inconvenient for the beneficiaries of institutionalized racism,” and notes the movement’s methods of “shutting down highways and interrupting everything from political rallies to brunch.”

“If our youth follows these leaders, they will risk being killed or going to prison,” he asserts. “Their methods will not bring about healing in America or in any way serve the black community.”

Owens observes he is “the very first person to agree that racism exists in America.”

“There are white racists, black racists and Latinos/Hispanic racists,” he continues. “We can’t deny that racism is found in many communities and cultures around America and the world. However, I still say that racism is a heart issue. It’s evil. Pure and simple.”

Owens asserts Black Lives Matter should first demand that blacks stop killing their own people. “That should be a priority,” he states.

He questions the leadership:

Further, I wonder who this so-called elder in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is and to whose jurisdiction in COGIC he belongs. Who is Reverend Osagyefo Sekou? Who is his bishop? I am a life-long member of the Church of God in Christ and was fortunate to have been born when my mother was a member of Bishop Mason’s church. Bishop C.H. Mason founded the Church of God in Christ, and our world headquarters, Mason Temple, is named in his honor. Mason Temple is the church where Dr. King gave his last speech the night before he was assassinated. So, I can tell you that whoever this preacher is that claims he is a member of COGIC is not in good standing and should not use or make references to COGIC in his activities.

Owens goes so far as to say that some leaders in the Black Lives Matter movement are teaching a theology that is essentially heresy.

“They are misleading our young people and misinterpreting Scriptures to support their twisted agenda,” he explains. “We need our partners to stand with us as we stand against all evil. Whether it’s same-sex marriage, corrupt politicians, racism, abortion, or many of the ills that face us as Americans.”