Help CAAP Support the Gorsuch Nomination!


Religious freedom, defense of the family, and the limits of government overreach.

These are the reasons why many Christians supported President Trump during the election. And now we are getting our follow-through with the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nomination Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Here’s what you should know about the nominee:

  • He is a staunch defender of religious liberty.
  • He is a strong Constitutionalist — meaning that he will be inclined to limit governmental overreach (whether on the part of the Congress, the judicial branch, or the executive branch).
  • He has written about the value of human life and the problems with assisted suicide and euthanasia.
  • He has spoken out against activist judges who hand down decisions based on their own political beliefs.
  • He is well respected as an American jurist. In 2006 was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to serve on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

No one seriously claims that Judge Gorsuch is anything but very well-qualified to fill Justice Scalia’s seat.

But that doesn’t mean that the far Left won’t be working to smear and discredit him.

Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing began today. And already, Senate Democrats are trying to figure out how to derail his appointment. Though there is no legitimate reason to question his qualifications, the far Left has proven that they will only accept judges who will forward their political goals. Gorsuch is more likely to frustrate them.

In the coming years, the future of religious freedom will end up before the Supreme Court time and again. They are also likely to rule on other significant issues relating to assisted suicide, immigration, and transgender rights.

We need to do what we can to shape the future of the Supreme Court. If you haven’t already done so, please sign our petition in support of Judge Gorsuch. Consider  also contacting your Senator and letting him (or her) know how strongly you feel about this confirmation.

In the last eight years, the courts have done incredible harm to family values and religious freedom. This is our chance to start reversing it.