Our upcoming Concert for Life series featuring acclaimed pianist Eric Genuis and his orchestra will be a celebration of life, faith, and God’s creative power. This is your chance to become a part of this incredible event and support our efforts to protect the unborn.

In conjunction with the concert series, CAAP will be producing a commemorative magazine that will include a profile of Eric Genuis, inspirational stories about the men and women working to defend life in our country, and an interview with Dr. Alveda King.


We are offering a limited number of sponsorship opportunities for those interested in displaying their support for life. Sponsorship levels range from a full page display ad to a listing as one of the concert’s patrons.

To become a sponsor of the Concerts for Life, simply go to our secure payment portal and reserve your space. Or you can contact us at info[at]caapusa.org for more information.

Don’t miss this opportunity to show your support for life!