We may have changed our name to better reflect our mission and membership, but that doesn’t mean that we have forgotten our roots.
Nor does our criticism of Critical Race Theory mean that we reject the study of the diverse threads of our history and the contributions of all Americans (of every creed and color).
This month, we’re celebrating Black History month, precisely because there is so much that we can learn from the great Black leaders of the past. There is wisdom there that can help us forge a stronger, prayerful America that is truly, “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
We haven’t forgotten that the Black church was an instrumental part of the civil rights movement, and that the Bible inspired those who loved America and wanted it to live up to its glorious principles.
CAAP’s flagship award is called the “Letter from Birmingham Jail Award” to recognize the courage of Dr. King, who went to jail in defense of principle, and from behind bars, wrote such a stirring argument for freedom and justice that it still echoes today.
I can’t tell you how happy I was to present this year’s Letter from Birmingham Jail Award to Dr. King’s niece, Dr. Alveda King. Not only has she been a stalwart friend of CAAP, but she is dedicated to spreading Biblical truth in defense of marriage and the unborn. In a culture that is unfriendly to faith and family, Dr. King demonstrates the real courage. It’s the same courage we see throughout Black history, from Harriet Tubman through the civil rights marchers in Selma. Courage inspired by faith in an awe-inspiring thing.

In the spirit of that courage, I want to ask you to please consider helping CAAP continue our own work in defense of faith, family and freedom by making a pledge to be a sustaining member of or organization.
On our website, we describe the five separate tiers of support for our sustaining members. Each tier comes with special benefits, from a tote bag to a VIP seat at our annual luncheon.
Our members make it possible for us to hold key events, like the luncheon and the upcoming education summit. To become a sustaining member, simply visit our membership page and choose your monthly pledge amount. Please, consider what you can afford and choose the pledge that best fits your budget. Every gift we receive is deeply appreciated.
As we observe Black History Month, please help us take the lessons of the past – faith, courage, and a commitment to truth – and use them to plot a course for America that is based in Biblical teaching. As the civil rights marchers showed us, all things are possible with God.