This is your chance to become a supporting member!


I’ve mentioned in recent emails that this is the beginning of a new era for CAAP.

We’ve changed our name to better express our mission and represent our diverse base of support. 

We’re becoming more involved in issues related to education, especially critical race theory and school choice. 

We are planning a new series of exciting educational events, including “Guarding Education,” a conference we are planning for this spring. The conference will address school choice, parents’ rights, and other pressing issues. (Stay tuned for the announcement of the keynote speaker.)

Of course, to accomplish all of these goals, we will need your support. That’s why we are also announcing an all-new membership plan.

As I explain in the video above (also available on YouTube), CAAP now offers five separate tiers of support for our sustaining members. Each tier comes with a different group of benefits, from invitations to special policy briefings to VIP invitations to our annual luncheon and a CAAP tote bag.

To become a sustaining member, simply visit our membership page and choose your monthly pledge amount. We recognize that not everyone can become a diamond or platinum member, but we ask you to prayerfully reflect on what you can give and make a commitment that fits with your budget.

We value every member, every prayer, and every gift. And we thank you for your steadfast support of CAAP.

Membership is a way to help CAAP continue its mission to protect children from leftist indoctrination and to defend faith, family, and freedom. Our sustaining members make it possible for us to plan for the future and hold events like our annual luncheon and upcoming conference.

We are counting on you, as one of our most loyal supporters, to help CAAP make a real difference in 2022. Please visit our membership page and make a pledge to help us promote Biblical teaching!