Who Will Stand for Your Values?


Without action, our principles will wither away. They will become nothing more than window dressing or props, and Christians will no longer be effective in guiding our country toward a better future. Being grounded in Biblical truth is vital, but to make a difference in the world, you must marry it with action.

That is why CAAP plays such an important role in the fight for the soul of our nation. It’s right there in our name: The Coalition of Americans for Action and Principle. We are committed to standing in the gap for Christian values.

Help CAAP defend Biblical principles! Make your donation today!

For an organization of our size, CAAP has an astounding impact and reach. We have been invited to participate in political strategy sessions, from the local level all the way to the White House. We have used petitions and press conferences to bring attention to issues like the sexualization of young children or the political efforts to silence pastors. We have appeared on a wide variety of shows and media outlets – like CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, Huckabee, Fox & Friends, and many more – in order to defend our values and educate the public on issues of faith and family.

While some organizations scaled back during the pandemic, CAAP remained as busy as ever. We started a YouTube show called “Wisdom for Today,” held a gala and luncheon, became deeply involved in the debate over critical race theory (even developing an educational presentation on the issue), and launched the CAAP app!

And we aren’t planning to slow down. Already, we are preparing for the next big challenge, our upcoming summit on education. Leftist indoctrination is becoming a critical problem in our schools, and we must prepare to fight for the rights of parents and the innocence of children.

Protect parents’ rights! Donate to CAAP!

Right now, we are living in a country where children can be taught blatantly racist propaganda in the name of “equity,” and a biological man is awarded medals for breaking NCAA women’s swimming records. Is this the country that we want to leave to our children and grandchildren?

We need your help! Will you make a commitment today to help CAAP protect children and the family? 

Unlike our opponents on the left, we aren’t funded by big corporations or foundations. Instead, we rely on faith and the support of our loyal members.

When you give to CAAP, you know that your donation is going directly to an organization that puts its all of its energy, skills, passion, and resources into fighting for your values. It’s a daunting task at times but we are grateful for the generous support we have received over the past decade. Your donations have made it possible for us to keep working for faith, freedom, and family..  

We know that these are challenging times for families,  communities, nation and our world but we can’t stop now. There is too much at stake.

Now we are asking you to reflect on what you can afford and make a commitment to faith and family with a generous gift to CAAP. No donation is too small, and every gift helps us continue our work.

There are far too many people who are still ignorant of what the left is doing to America and what we can do to stop it. Won’t you join us as we stand in the gap for Biblical truth? Please donate to CAAP today and help us put our country on the right path.