In my last message, I touched on the invaluable role mothers and women play in our culture and how important it  is to honor them. But there’s another way that women are helping shape our campaign to put our nation back on the right path … they are formidable warriors for Christian values.

Let me tell you something I’ve learned after decades of activism: if you’re trying to enact a policy that harms children or the family, you better hope a mother doesn’t find out about it. Otherwise, you’re going to have quite a fight on your hands.

When schools try to indoctrinate children about the homosexual lifestyles, when businesses try to let men into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, when Planned Parenthood spreads pro-abortion propaganda … it’s women who are often at the forefront of the response, organizing awareness campaigns, sending letters, and starting boycotts. Threaten the future of our families or the innocence of children and every mother becomes a tireless advocate for Christian values.

I’ve seen this through the CAAP Women’s Ministry, which includes inspiring leaders like Dr. Alveda King, Janice Ponds, and Pastor Ericka McCrutcheon. And I’ve seen it in the many volunteers and prayer warriors who have helped keep CAAP going through the years.

As I’ve said before, we are at a pivotal point in American history. We can continue down the road to degradation and abandon our Christian values or we can stand for our principles and put our country on the right path. To do this, we need your help. We need to RISE.

If you’re not already familiar with it, RISE is CAAP’s grassroot initiative, dedicated to education and activism. Through RISE, we are creating a network of pastors, churches, community leaders, and activists with one goal – defending our Christian rights and putting our country on the right path.

We’ve just begun our annual RISE membership campaign in preparation for a critical election year. We’re looking to our partners to respond to the call and join RISE today. (The minimum suggested donation of $25 goes to help fund RISE’s education and outreach efforts.) You do not need to be a pastor, nor do you need to be African American to join – we welcome all races, creeds, ethnicities, and backgrounds. All you need is the desire to join this movement for faith, family, and freedom.

Now is the time to remember the challenge from Micah 6:1:

“Hear what the Lord says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.”

Please join RISE and become part of our fight to put this country on the right path.