Now that the election is over (excepting the Georgia run-off), the Biden administration is continuing its efforts to advance the LGBTQ+ agenda. The effort to takeover and remake Title IX to advance a transgender and radical leftist ideology is still very much alive. In fact, the Department of Education is still considering a rule that would eliminate due process protections for students and destroy women’s sports.

But CAAP is committed to fighting for Biblical values. And we aren’t alone in opposing the leftist takeover of Title IX. That’s why we joined SAVE, a coalition to stop the Title IX takeover. This week, we joined dozens of other organizations in a letter to Representative Jim Jordan, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. In the letter, we ask Rep. Jordan to restrict funding for the Department of Education’s efforts to insert transgender ideology into Title IX. The letter asks Congress to add the following wording to the appropriations bill:

“No funds shall be used for the development or implementation of alterations to the 2020 Title IX regulation, except as necessary to implement court orders.”

Our goal is to stop the left’s efforts to take over schools and indoctrinate our children. To be effective in this goal, we must work with like-minded groups and persuade elected officials to support our cause. That’s why CAAP is focused on both education and activism. We must educate both the public and those in power about the importance of restoring Biblical principles in our culture.

But to maximize our impact, we need your help. If you haven’t already done so, please consider helping CAAP expand its reach by donating to our year-end campaign

Your gift will help us continue our work to uphold Biblical values in our schools, in our government, and in our society. We are always trying to expand our outreach, and our Mission Education initiative is now bringing that goal into the schools, where we seek to be the hands of Jesus for children in need.

Please prayerfully consider what you can afford and make your best gift today. No donation is too small and every donation is deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your support and for helping CAAP defend our most cherished values.