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Pastors Group Calls for End to Kavanaugh Confirmation “Circus” CAAP criticizes Republican leadership for allowing unsubstantiated smears to delay vote Henderson, NV—Sept. 24, 2018—Today, Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), criticized Republican leadership for allowing the confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to...
When the first day of hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was transformed into a circus of screaming, ranting protesters - so much so that his children had to be escorted from the room - I thought we had reached a new low in American political discourse. I only...
I'm not surprised by the reaction to my meeting at the White House, but I am deeply grieved. It seems that I am guilty of being a black man who accepted an invitation to the White House. It doesn't matter that I did so to address important issues - prison...
CAAP replies to critics who condemned black faith leaders meeting at White House Henderson, NV—August 6, 2018—Today, Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), replied to critics who condemned him for attending a meeting at the White House with the president and inner city pastors....
We've said for years that Democrats talk a lot about helping urban communities, but have only managed to make them poorer and more dangerous. We've also criticized Republicans for failing to engage with black voters. I'm happy to say that things are changing ... at least, when it comes to...
The Coalition of African American Pastors was thrilled to present the inspiring music of Eric Genuis and his orchestra in the first of two benefit concerts celebrating the wonder of God's creation.
CAAP demands a fair, civil, and non-partisan hearing for highly-qualified nominee Henderson, NV—July 10, 2018—Today, Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), called on the Senate to put aside partisanship and hold a fair, civil, and speedy hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme...

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