The media has been parroting defenders of AB2943 in claiming that the California bill won’t ban the Bible. But we’re not going to be fooled by the way the Left uses “fact checks” to spread misinformation.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that radicals use the fine print in laws like this to advance their agenda. And the intent of AB2943 is clear – to make it impossible for anyone to seek help from Christian ministries or the Bible while trying to leave the homosexual lifestyle.

CAAP has created a petition opposing the bill, which could be used to ban the use of any literature that promotes a spiritual route to resisting same-sex attraction. And for some groups, that includes the Bible.

If you think a radical Leftist wouldn’t take advantage of this law to shut down a Christian bookstore, you haven’t been paying attention to what has been happening in the culture.

Across the country, groups have been mobilizing to fight AB2943. Two ministers at Bethel Church in Redding, California have even shared their stories of how the kind of counseling being outlawed in this bill helped them on their own path. Ken Williams and Elizabeth Woning say they were once gay, but found solace and help in the gospel to overcome their struggles with sexuality and depression. Now, they have a ministry that counsels others who are dealing with that same sense of pain and shame. They say their goal is to help people understand what is behind their feelings and to know that they are loved by God, no matter what.

As Williams puts it: “I would never have made it without the ability to go find a counselor that was going to tell me, ‘Hey, Jesus cares about this issue.'”

If you haven’t already done so, please sign and share CAAP’s petition against AB2943. We have to let others know that faith is still under attack.

In this fight to put our country on the right track, it is critical to bring pastors and community leaders together and educate citizens on how critical the situation has become. This past week, I traveled to Washington, DC to do just that.

I flew to Washington, DC to meet with Bishop Darryl Scott to discuss moving forward with CAAP’s agenda. While there, Pastor Scott introduced me to Mayor Rudy Giulani. We had a pleasant and productive meeting.

A lot of organizations make noise about their outreach and networking efforts, but at CAAP, we put our money where our mouth is. That means travelling wherever we are needed and tirelessly working to build a coalition of faithful partners willing to fight for our Christian rights.

In this critical election year, we will need to inform pastors and educate voters. But it takes a minister to meet with ministers. As part of our Crossroads Initiative, we’re already building pastors’ councils around the nation. But we need your help!

Please show your support for this initiative by making a donation to CAAP. And if you haven’t already joined (or renewed your membership to) RISE, our network for grassroots action, be sure to complete your registration today.

Your prayers and support our crucial as we work to set our nation on the right path. It is only through unity and tireless advocacy that we can defeat measures like AB2943 and defend our Christian rights.