African American Group Calls for Sound, Humane Immigration Reform

Henderson, NV—January 8, 2018—Today, Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), announced his support for faith-based immigration reform. In response to President Trump’s speech, Rev. Owens launched a petition demanding that Congress meet with faith leaders and address the immigration issue in a way that balances compassion with the need to secure our borders.

The petition highlights six basic points for sound reform, including a path to citizenship for qualified immigrants, a faith-based humanitarian response at the border, and the construction of a barrier.

“Christians have a responsibility to help those in need, including the undocumented immigrants at our southern border,” stated Rev. Owens. “At the same time, we must also respect the need to secure our borders and ensure the safety of all U.S. citizens. The African-American community has been gravely injured by unfettered illegal immigration, which has resulted in loss of jobs, loss of housing, and other economic hardship.”

Rev. Owens continued: “For years, Congress has been mired in partisan bickering on the immigration issue. But things have now reached a crisis. We must find a bipartisan path forward that embraces a practical and compassionate response to the suffering at the border and within our country. That means combining humanitarian efforts with measures that will secure the border and protect American jobs, homes, and lives.”

“CAAP is calling on all Americans to support our petition for faith-based immigration reform. We ask that Congress join with faith leaders to put an end to the deadlock and find a comprehensive solution to the immigration issue that protects our borders and helps those in great need.”

The petition can be found at: