CAAP has started a petition requesting Amazon president Jeff Bezos instruct his staff to remove products that are offensive, mocking, and demeaning to Christians. Join us by adding your name to the letter below!

Mr. Jeffrey Bezos
410 Terry Avenue N.
Seattle, WA 98109
Dear Mr. Bezos,
We, the undersigned, are people of faith, united in our opposition to the presence of anti-Christian merchandise for sale on Amazon. Many of these products go beyond what can be excused as humor or cultural debate and serve no other purpose than to mock, belittle, or offend Christians.
Here are just a few examples of products currently available on your site:
- A throw pillow declaring “I hate Jesus.”
- Multiple items from the anti-Christian band Marduk, including a patch that shows a woman using a cross as a sex toy and a demon performing a sex act on the crucified Christ.
- Bumper stickers and other products mocking the Christian fish symbol.
- Bathroom mats and toilet covers emblazoned with the face of Christ.
- Numerous t-shirts that combine an anti-Christian message with Satanic or other anti-Christian imagery.
We are writing to ask that you enforce Amazon’s policy against “offensive and controversial materials” when it comes to products that deliberately target Christians and the symbols of Christianity. We are asking for no more than the same level of consideration that has been granted Islamic groups who object to the sale of products offensive to their faith.
No doubt, the existence of these and other anti-Christian products available for sale on Amazon has come as a surprise to you. Given that you represent an organization that has professed respect for diverse faith traditions as well as a family-friendly retail site, I’m sure you understand our alarm. We hope that, on learning about these products, you will promptly ask your staff to immediately remove all anti-Christian merchandise on Amazon.
Thank you for your consideration.