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By: Dr. Deborah De Sousa Owens  Good people are being misled about racism and civil rights. Preying on the popular desire to champion equality, leftists have persuaded millions of Americans to adopt a political view that seeks nothing less than the destruction of American...
We're proud to announce a new tool in the fight to defend faith, family, and freedom - the CAAP app. Now, you'll be able to keep up with the latest news, petitions, videos, and events from CAAP through your mobile device! We've...
Don't ever assume that African Americans support the spread of critical race theory.  With its focus on victimization, "privilege," and claims of "institutional" or "systematic" racism, critical race theory appeals to leftists and those who want to paint our country as fundamentally racist.
Earlier this week, I read something that completely sums up the problem with critical race theorists and their rhetoric of division. Ibram X. Kendi, author and leading proponent of the "anti-racism" movement within critical race theory, wrote an article in The Atlantic that manages to cast...
If we wanted a sign that religious freedom is still strong in America, this week was an answer to our prayers. We've heard a lot over the past year about the "divided" Supreme Court. Leftists have even suggested packing the Court in the hopes...
In the newest episode of Wisdom for Today, Deborah talks about why we cannot bow to trends or politics when it comes to speaking out against division and hate. That's true for the antisemitic acts that have been on the rise in response to tensions in the...
With your help, we're making a difference for the children of Texas. Over the past few weeks, CAAP has been working with other groups to support shared parenting. We've talked about the importance of reforming custody laws to support shared parenting. And we told...
I did not march in the civil rights movement to see racism used as a cudgel to "cancel" others or promote a radical, segregationist agenda. But that's exactly what's happening in our culture. It's part of a toxic mixture of leftist politics, internet mob...
In the newest episode of Wisdom for Today (recorded 3/8/21), Bill and Deborah talk about parenthood and the different roles played by mothers and fathers. Visit our website at: http://wisdomfortoday.net/​ Donate and help keep our show going! https://secure.anedot.com/institute-for-faith-family-freedom-and-the-black-church/wisdom-for-today

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