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Mission: Education is offering real help to students and schools. And we're seeing the results! Earlier this year, we wrote to you about the $750 grant we gave to Royal Elementary. Since then, we've heard back from the school and seen the fruits of...
Today, I ask you to pray for the mothers. To be a mother is to have an endlessly rewarding, yet demanding job. There are no breaks. Even after your children are grown up and can take care of themselves, you are still driven to...
The Texas Senate is trying to help parents take back our schools. Last week, I wrote about some of the parents rights and school choice legislation that has been passed. Those are important measures in the fight to stop indoctrination and give parents more...
Something is broken in the way we discuss crime and criminality. Like everything else, fairness and facts have been completely overwhelmed by the need of some parties to push a particular political narrative. Thus, there are crimes that never get any...
Parents - not administrators, not politicians, and not activists - should be the ones who guide their children's education. They should be able to raise questions about the curriculum and easily find out what is happening in the classroom. They should be able to trust that no...
We cannot close our eyes to the changes going on in the world around us. It might seem incredible that it would be necessary to stop doctors from doing surgery on healthy young children that would render them sterile for life. 
If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that parents must have more control over what their children are taught in school. More and more, public schools have become tools of indoctrination, where critical race theory, the LGBT+ agenda, and...
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27 We are almost at the end of International Women's Month, and it falls to us to do what the month is supposed to do:...
I've often said that if we want to save our schools, we need to get more involved. That means getting involved in providing resources to schools as well as getting involved politically. You've seen how Mission Education provides those crucial resources. Now it's time...

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