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When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17-18 If your heart is full of sorrow today, I understand.
Can we get real? It can feel absolutely a daunting job to be a woman in 2023. Family, work, caregiving, finances, relationships, friendships, volunteer obligations ... Sometimes it’s just too much! If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the challenging demands of your life, I want to help.I’m Dr. Deborah...
It seems like summer is still winding down, but all over the country kids are getting ready to go back to school. That means that the requests are coming in to Mission: Education to help those students and schools that are sorely in need...
First it was bathrooms. Then locker rooms. Then spas, schools, gyms, and women’s shelters. Then it was sports - from high schools all the way to pro and Olympic levels. Now it’s beauty pageants. Is there any space that still belongs solely to biological...
Today, I ask you to join me in praying for the wisdom and patience needed to accomplish real change. When you see the chaos of the world around us, you might wonder whether it's really possible to make a difference. There always seem to be...
"Pride Month" may be winding down, but that doesn't mean that the corporate effort to promote gender ideology will disappear. Companies like Target, Bud Light, and Disney haven't been shy about their embrace of transgenderism. While June may be the month in which they are most vocal,...
He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created. - Genesis 5:2 Women and girls are under attack. In a culture that struggles to define what it means to be a...
Mission: Education is offering real help to students and schools. And we're seeing the results! Earlier this year, we wrote to you about the $750 grant we gave to Royal Elementary. Since then, we've heard back from the school and seen the fruits of...
Today, I ask you to pray for the mothers. To be a mother is to have an endlessly rewarding, yet demanding job. There are no breaks. Even after your children are grown up and can take care of themselves, you are still driven to...

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