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CAAP has started a petition requesting Amazon president Jeff Bezos instruct his staff to remove products that are offensive, mocking, and demeaning to Christians. Join us by adding your name to the letter below! Mr. Jeffrey Bezos
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning "hate." It should have condemned Antisemitism, given the ugly comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar, but that's another issue. The point is that we live in a time when comments disparaging other religions -...
Rev. Owens declares need to take a stand against outrage culture Today, Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), defended Rep. Steve King (R-IA), saying that remarks made by the Congressman to a New York Times reporter were twisted...
As Christians, we have a duty to provide comfort and help to those in need, including our brothers and sisters in prison. It is both a duty and a joy to care for prisoners and their families, especially when we see how someone's life can change after being offered...
President Trump has nominated another highly-qualified judge to the Supreme Court. And yet again, obstructionists and partisans in the Senate will seek to block his confirmation. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a textualist who has shown support for religious freedom and the right to life in his opinions. A former clerk...
Our upcoming Concert for Life series featuring acclaimed pianist Eric Genuis and his orchestra will be a celebration of life, faith, and God's creative power. This is your chance to become a part of this incredible event and support our efforts to protect the unborn. In conjunction with the concert...
Join us at a concert celebrating life and raising funds for the defense of the unborn! This concert series featuring internationally-acclaimed pianist and performer Eric Genuis was made possible through the generosity of one of CAAP's most committed partners. Tickets are $50, and all proceeds will go to CAAP and our...
California bill AB-2943 pretends to be about consumer protection, but it's really an attempt to silence Christians and people of faith. The bill would make it a "fraudulent business practice" to counsel anyone struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction to turn to faith, the Church, or Jesus Christ. It would make...

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