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I write to you today, not as a stranger from another country … and most certainly not as an enemy, but as someone who has devoted my life to recognizing the natural rights of men. I was born in Tennessee at a time when a black man was thought to...
I would like to take a moment to thank you and all you've done to support CAAP in these last several months. I can't tell you how much it has meant to us to receive your prayers, encouraging messages, and donations. Thanks for supporting our leadership meeting in Washington, D.C....
We know why politicians don't want to get involved in the bathroom issue. The problem is that by sticking their heads in the sand, they all but guarantee that the fight over transgender ideology will follow the same route that the fight over same-sex marriage did. Unless those of us...
As you know, CAAP will be holding a press conference in front of Houston's City Hall on Tuesday, when we will call for an end to the stalling and political game-playing on SB6 (the Texas Bathroom Bill). Some people have asked us why we chose Houston or why this issue...
The people have spoken and made their wishes known. We do not want to see men in women's bathrooms, showers, or locker rooms. Unfortunately, some politicians are a little hard of hearing. Even though the Texas Bathroom Bill (SB6) had the support of the Lt. Governor and a majority of the...
For those of us who were deeply involved in the fight for traditional marriage there is an unsettling sense of déjà vu when it comes to transgender issues. Unfortunately, it often shows up in the people that should be our allies. I vividly remember when there were only a few states...
This is a solemn day in the Christian calendar -- one that forces us to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice and our own role in the world. Thinking on the cross and Good Friday, I can only echo the words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 ... But God...
It wasn't long ago that sides were being drawn over SB 6, the Texas bill that would protect the privacy of women and girls in their bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. Despite corporate bullying from the likes of the NFL, Texas legislators proceeded with their effort to block the intrusion...
When I marched for civil rights, I never dreamed that less than a century would pass before there was a serious effort to marginalize black political power again. And this time, it's coming from within our own ranks, in the form of guilt and political bullying from people who are...
It is a difficult thing to raise a family in our modern culture and protect the innocence of your children. Part of that comes from the perpetual media and cultural blitz that spreads leftist ideology and doesn't shrink from sexualizing young children. As a Christian, I do what I can...

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