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Last week, North Carolina partially repealed its law protecting the privacy of women and girls in bathrooms, locker rooms, showers. The capitulation to corporate pressure and LGBT lobbying has the state promising to wait until 2020 until they revisit the issue. Which leads to one question: what will happen in...
About 20 years ago, I warned conservative leaders that two of the biggest political issues of the future would be immigration and race relations. What I never expected was to see a political party sell out black voters in a desperate grab for permanent power ... and all over an...
If Democrats cared half as much about the Constitution as they do about protecting Planned Parenthood, what a different country this would be. After all, when it comes right down to it, the opposition to Judge Gorsuch is based entirely on the concern that he'll be a pro-life justice who...
Imagine if all of the Senators who are currently trying to oppose Judge Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court actually told the truth about their reasons. It would just be a unified chorus of, "We're mad because we wanted to confirm a Clinton nominee." Anyone with intellectual honesty will agree...
I've mentioned it before, but it's worth repeating: no one could seriously (and credibly) argue that Judge Neil Gorsuch is not qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. All of the opposition to him is based on the Left's desire to keep their hold over the Courts. And in the third...
Religious freedom, defense of the family, and the limits of government overreach. These are the reasons why many Christians supported President Trump during the election. And now we are getting our follow-through with the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nomination Judge Neil Gorsuch. Here's what you should know about the nominee: ...
If there was a brand that you were confident would be family-friendly, it would probably be Disney. Not everyone is a fan of their fairy tales, but at least those classic stories should be free from modern politics. Or so you would think. The truth is that Disney has been catering...
You might not have heard of George Soros, but you've seen him in action. Or, more accurately, you've seen his money. The billionaire is famous for funding the most destructive elements of the far Left, including organizations determined to strip everything that is great about America. He gave $246 million to...
In a strange way, things have come full circle. You might remember that CAAP was one of the first organizations to fight back against the push for transgender bathrooms. That started in Houston, where the Mayor's enthusiasm for allowing men in women's bathrooms led her to violate the religious freedom...
If you've been watching some of the political hysteria that has gripped our country in recent weeks, you might have wondered if there were darker forces at work. Sadly, that seems to be true. As a number of news outlets are now reporting, a group of self-proclaimed witches are promoting a...

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